Hoda Shaarawy & the new Egyptian Feminist Union
Today, and after 100 years have passed since Hoda Shaarawi established the first Egyptian Feminist Union which didn’t last long time, number of Egyptian NGOs were gathered to re-establish a Qualitative Femninist Federation for Egyptian women.
The Egyptian woman thought that her role in the Egyptian revolutions of January 25th,which was remarkable since its beginning, will continue in the rest of its coming stages. Thought that this revolution which was seeking freedom, justiceand dignity, will take an advantage of what the Egyptian woman and herpotentials can offer to contribute to community building. Also thought that thebreaking out of the old corrupted system would release her from all of the discrimination and intolerance that she has been always facing.
The Egyptian woman was annoyed of being away and isolated of many of important decisions and steps that were taken this year. In order to confirm her participation in preparing for the Egyptian revolution and going out in the streets and squaresside by side with the Egyptian man, the NGOs organized a national conference inJune 2011 in which confirm her participation in the Egyptian revolution and whatever would come after. High recommendations were made by this conference of establishing a Qualitative Feminist Federation for Egyptian women. All of the attendees of this conference saw that there is a serious need of this federation so it could contains many NGOs and famous public figures who careabout the role of the Egyptian women and her own issues & needs, and topraise her efforts and participation in the building of the community and its own demands of freedom, justice and dignity.
Applying ofthe Egyptian law and policies of establishing unions and NGOs, a number of NGOs agreed on being the founders of this new federation.
So far, allof the legal required papers for establishing a federation were submitted tothe competent authorities in order to be publicized officially.
The membership will be available for all of these NGOs that are interested in the Egyptian women issues, to be a member of the federation after it gets publicized officially. The NGOs founders of this federation will reflect this interestin all of the Egyptian provinces by containing NGOs of the north, south, eastand west of Egypt. The founders of the federation agreed that the Alliance ofArab Woman will host the federation till it has its own headquarter that would be suitable for its activities.
The founders NGOs of the federation were gathered today October 15th and discussed many topics , one of the main topics was reaching an agreement on the interior list of the federation which contains 35 subjects including the activities of the federations, its financial and managing issues, membership and specialties. Also, the federation put a general frame of its activities in the coming while, concentrating from now and till the end of this year on supporting the Egyptian woman in all of the provinces of Egypt and her effective participation in the next Egyptian Parliamentary elections and thepresidential elections as well.
The federation is basically aiming to motivate 5 million women to vote in the coming elections in order to reach a democratic legislative body that leads itsrole to the fullest.